Re senza nome

Re Senza Nome

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Descrizione. Questa la si può recuperare da oggetti che parlano del boss come la sua anima o arma o armatura. In generale la descrizione riguarda la lore del boss. Per mettere le ''virgolette'' speciali copiate una descrizione da un'altra pagina che le ha, incollatela e poi sostituite il testo.



Inserire una breve descrizione del boss, questa è solo un'introduzione, pertanto non serve scendere troppo nel dettaglio. Per comprenderne il tenore basta controllare i boss del wiki inglese o quelli già editati del wiki italiano.





Nome dell'Attacco Descrizione dell'Attacco
Prima fase
Attacco Il Re delle tempeste si alza in volo ed il Re senza nome sferra un affondo. Si può evitare rotolando attraverso, o anche lateralmente con un tempismo più accurato, non appena tira indietro la lancia.
Schianto della lancia del fulmine Con questo attacco, usualmente, il boss inizia il combattimento. Il Re senza nome solleva la lancia e successivamente la abbatte verso di voi dopo averla caricata con il fulmine. L'attacco è molto potente, ha un raggio alquanto esteso e fa danni ad area. Per evitarlo, aspettate che il Re delle tempeste si abbassi e poi rotolate in avanti, in questo modo si riesce ad evitare anche il danno ad area, in alternativa si può effettuare una schivata laterale, ma è più probabile che veniate colpiti dall'esplosione di fulmini.
Soffio infuocato Il Re delle tempeste si piega di lato ed emette una vampa di fuoco. Il suo soffio rappresenta una delle sue migliori aperture. Può essere evitato efficacemente in 2 modi: correndo verso il boss, oppure evitare alla propria destra appena vengono rilasciate le prime fiamme, in questo modo si passerà attraverso il soffio infuocato senza subire danni.
Pioggia Inferno Il Re delle tempeste si alza in volo e vomita fuoco ardente sul giocatore. L'attacco arreca ingenti danni di elemento fuoco ed ha un raggio di azione molto esteso, elementi che rendono tale attacco il più pericoloso tra quelli in suo possesso. Per eluderlo iniziate a correre non appena si alza in volo.
Lancia del Sole Il Re delle tempeste inizia a volare in crchio mentre il Re senza nome scaglia una Lancia del Sole contro il personaggio. Non è difficile da evitare, potendo usare il suono emesso dalla saetta come indicatore per iniziare la schivata. Al dardo segue generalmente una picchiata nella vostra direzione. Questo secondo attacco è più complesso da evadere, il modo più sicuro consiste nel rotolare nella direzione da cui proviene l'assalto non appena il Re delle tempeste si sarà avvicinato al suolo.
Combo 3 colpi L'attacco più comune in questa fase. Il Re senza nome solleva la lancia ed effettua una combinazione di spazzate e affondi. gli attacchi sono evitabili con poco sforzo, semplicemente rotolando sotto il Re delle tempeste, ma la telecamera potrebbe creare dei problemi modificando il proprio angolo e ostacolando la visuale.
tempesta Attacco incredibilmente raro, che può essere provocato rimanendo a lungo sotto il Re delle tempeste. Il Re, alzatosi in volo, sbatte le ali e scaglia un'onda d'urto contro di voi. Evitando attraverso l'onda di vento si passerà indetti attraverso l'attacco.
  Il Re senza nome utilizza questo miracolo quando si riesce a mettere a segno molti attacchi consecutivi contro il Re delle tempeste. In questo frangente generalmente l'angolo della telecamera non è dei migliori, ma si può fare affidamento sul suono per riuscire ad effettuare una schivata valida.
Seconda fase
Attacco Descrizione e metodo per eluderlo
Attacco Descrizione e metodo per eluderlo



Strategy 1 (Melee)
This boss deals lots of lightning damage in both phases, so any lightning resistant gear or rings are a huge benefit in this fight.

The first phase consists of the Nameless King riding atop his stormdrake, the King of the Storm. This boss require constant attention to camera angle. It is important to be aware of what both the rider and wyvern are doing at all times. Having the camera locked to one or the other at the wrong time is a recipe for doom. It is advised to keep the wyvern at some distance until you go in for one or two hits then retreat to be able to keep watch on both and time your responses appropriately. The wyvern will sometimes flip behind you, requiring you to adjust to maintain your relative position. The Nameless King will, at times, attempt to hit you with his swordspear. Depending on position, roll or block accordingly, keeping an eye for his two or three hit combos. The stormdrake itself will bite at you and attempt to roast you with its flames. Avoid its attacks and aim for the stormdrake's head, as damage to the legs and body does minimal damage compared to blows directly to the beast's head. A good way to get several hits on its vulnerable spot is when the stormdrake is about to rear it's head for a flame attack, rush towards it's body and hit the neck area just below the rider, ensuring that you keep your distance from the fire-spewing head. If the stormdrake flies into the air, it will do one of two things: unleash a fiery breath attack directly beneath it, or circle around you while the Nameless King hurls Lightning Spears at you. If it stays in one spot in the air, move away, avoiding its breath attack, until it lands again.  The breath attack hits almost directly below the drake's body, so a good rule of thumb to avoid it is to run in the direction its head was facing when it took off, since from where your character is likely standing, that's the shortest path to safe ground. If it begins to circle you, keep an eye on the Nameless King; his Lightning Spears are intimidating, but can be dodged. Rinse and repeat until the stormdrake is dead, whereupon a cutscene will signal the start of the second phase.

In the second phase of the fight, you will face the Nameless King himself. He is very fast and deadly, so medium to light equipment load is recommended if you plan on roll dodging his attacks. With enough attacks dealt he will be staggered, allowing you to perform a riposte-esque visceral attack, not unlike the mechanic in bloodborne. While he stands up from this riposte, he is vulnerable to further attacks for most of his animation. Use this to get extra damage in or to heal up if you need it. The boss itself can be very difficult for a novice (or anyone for that matter) and his movements, while somewhat predictable, are still erratic, so stay on guard until there's a guaranteed opening to attack him. Also, another recommendation would be to equip the Carthus Bloodring and stay on his left side (your right) and continuously roll dodge his attacks until you see an opening to strike. For fast weapons (Straight Swords, Rapiers, etc.) try to get two hits in at most and for larger weapons (Greatswords, Ultra GS, etc.) one at most, two if your bold enough but it is quite risky.

Be particularly wary of:

his lightning strike attack. He telegraphs this by taking out his weapon and slowly brandishing it to the sky. With a short delay after he finishes, a lightning strike will be summoned directly over you, dealing heavy damage. This attack must either be dodged with perfect timing, or blocked by a shield with high lightning resistance (which will drain all stamina).
his waist-level charged lunge.  This attack cannot be blocked or dodged sideways, though it can be rolled through.  The safest way to react is to dodge backwards.  (Note that you should not dodge backwards against his shoulder-level lunge, however.)
 Strategy 1.5 (Easy KotS Melee)
Using a two-handed Lightning Lothric Knight Greatsword +9, It is possible to kill the King of the Storm in just four hits, allowing you to more easily practice the much more difficult Nameless King fight, as well as save much of your estus for it. Landing two fully charged heavy attacks to his head will stagger him and allow you to riposte him. As he recovers from the riposte you will have just enough time to land a running light attack to his head, finishing him off. The best time to land fully charged heavy attacks is during the King of the Storm's grounded fire breath attack and right after the Nameless King's lightning slam attack after dodge rolling toward him. However, due to the Nameless King's high lightning defense the Lothric Knight Greatsword does very poorly against him and it is therefore recommended to have a different weapon to switch out to during the second phase of the fight.

In terms of attack IMO it is best to stay directly in front of the Dragon portion. It seems risky but staying in front of the dragon allows you better gauge your distance when attacking the head. This also mitigates being killed by camera problems. Staying in front allows you to see the head and Nameless and dodge when needed. Added to this, staying directly in front of the head allows you to better run away when uses his fire breath.

Many players make the mistake of hitting the legs or attacking it from the side. Its a messy and rough fight if you do. Keeping your distance and staying in front fixes so many of those issues.

As for Nameless King himself. First half is actually the hardest. He tends to vary with slashes and pokes. And they usually always come in 3's. . The best time to counter is dependent on the type of weapon you use. For light and standard weapons, each poke and vertical slash is a window to attack. Never attack after horizontal slashes.

Once you get 2nd half, the fight becomes alot easier and more flashy in my opinion. He may have strong lightning specials but they all come with long set up times. Making him perfect for countering.

Above all, you need to learn to get your dodging down. If not that, any shield with high lightning resistance will keep you safe.



Strategy 2 (Magic / Ranged)
Keeping away from the boss but able to lock onto him is key here. In the first phase learn to dodge his lightning spears and follow up air to ground attack. Lock onto HIM not his little pet's head, when you're rolling to dodge his landing attack. Aim to complete your roll to the side of, or under the dragons base of the neck. Lock onto his head and stay underneath and fire away. He may take flight sooner rather than later but at any time if you hear the audio que (dragon scream) start to run away before he breathes his fire attack onto the ground. If you are lucky enough to keep him at range and the boss is only doing his flying attack straight at you, upon completion of his animation the dragons head will be motionless for a brief period and wide open for you to open fire.

In the second phase, just STAY AWAY and keep shooting. Run sideways as soon as you see him raise his dragonslayer swordspear to do the shockwave attacks because it is wide and difficult to out maneuver. Early bird stays damage free here. I used a greatshield in my Melee completion and I was able to tank his shockwave attacks, so equip a great shield if you'd like to do less evading. The purpose of ranged combat is to pick him apart from a safe distance. There is a distance where he will be wide open for attacks as he slowly walks after you. Circle him to keep him at a range you are able to lock on and shoot. Watch the background. There are two buildings you ned to keep an eye on. If you dont see one of them in the background while you are back-walking, you know you are headed towards the narrow edge of the map and may need to run to the side to re-center and get him back to a shooting range. If you feel he is too close, just watch for his telegraphed wind up attack and roll through it and keep rolling away as he recovers and you'll be back to sniping him to death. Good luck! and have fun

Alternative Magic Phase 1 Strategy
If your build has a mixture of Intelligence and Faith (like a Pyromancer), the sorcery Dark Edge is extremely powerful in the first phase of the fight. Keep your target on the dragon's head as opposed to the rider and take advantage of the many possible openings. The possible openings for casting includes after the aerial-to-ground strike (don't confuse this with the standing ground strike), after or during the fire breath (dodge roll to your right through the flames and get in close before casting), after the electric ground strike and after a second side swipe. Unsafe times to cast would be after it leaps over you to land on your opposite side, after it lands from the aerial lightning spear->stab combo, after it lands from the aerial fire breath, after one standing ground strike (as this can combo into side swipes) or after one side swipe (as a return side swipe may follow). Don't get greedy and keep an eye out for the safe openings. With around 3 solid strikes to the head of the dragon, you can trigger the stagger animation and land another free blow.

Strategy 3 (Bow and Heavy Weapon in KoS, Light Weapon+Buffs in NK)
As soon as you enter the boss arena run forward for a while but not too close to the place where boss lands (half a stamina bar). This way boss won't attack you immediately and you have time to use your bow and try to hit the head of King of Storms. After boss flies behind you change to your heavy hitting weapon and always go for the head.

When the second part of the fight starts, change to your light weapon (rapier or anything with high dps) and use Carthus Beacon pyromancy (consecutive hits boost damage). Also have the Pontiff's Right Eye ring (consecutive hits gives a dmg buff) and any other buffs you can. Nameless King is very tanky and has high health but if you can do good damage and fast you get two riposte opportunities which make this fight much easier. However you have to be very good at rolling and in stamina control. Still, usually do not attack more than once or twice if you have a good opening. Boss usually does 2-3 hit combos so after the second attack wait a while and take the opening little late just be sure he won't attack the third time.



Strong against fire, bleed and lightning damage. (Confirm. Does not match table.)
The dragon is weak to magic damage
Weak Spot: head
King of the Storm can be riposted after staggering, but not parried. It is possible for multiple players to simultaneously riposte, dealing extra damage. This is true of many ripostes in the game, but especially easy against staggered bosses.
Dragonslayer Greatshield makes the fight much easier if your build supports it. (Failing that, a Lothric Knight Shield upgraded to +7 or higher is also useful.)
It is possible to evade his aerial fire breath attack if you run away from him fast in the direction his head is pointing to. The attack has some tracking, so rolling around the dragon or behind him is likely to fail.
If you damage the dragon enough it will be staggered for a good few seconds and therefore be dealt a critical hit.
Carthus Bloodring is effective for dodging lightning attacks' large hitboxes, as well as delayed melees.
In the first phase, King of the Storm can very easily jump out of your camera view, a good strategy would be to increase camera sensitivity and do not lock on at all times.




The Nameless King is quite possibly Gwyn's firstborn: a fearsome, dragon-slaying war god from the time of the ancient lords. At some point during the war with the Everlasting Dragons, Gwyn's firstborn turned against his father, siding with the dragons. Despite this, the dragons were defeated by Gwyn and the other Lords, bringing about the first Age of Fire. As punishment for teaming up with the dragons, Gwyn ordered his son's name expunged from the annals of history and stripped him of his deific status. He also was Dragonslayer Ornstein's personal trainer, explaining their similarities in moveset and cross-spear design.

The Nameless King could also be Faaram, the war god worshipped by the Forossan knights. In this case, Faaram could also be the 'faithful knight' of Gywn's firstborn mentioned in the Sacred Oath miracle, explaining why he uses lightning miracles and fights like Gwyn and Ornstein.

The knights of Forossa were called the Lion Knights. In Dark Souls 2 you can find lion-men in the Shaded Woods. Their manes are very similar to the hair of the Nameless King.

Ornstein's spear and armor are found nearby, which could suggest that he was slain by The Nameless King (highly unlikely, since the armor isn't attached to a dead body), or that he forsook his duty as a dragonslayer after meeting him.

It is quite likely that the son of Gwyn is the deity whose headless statue is the covenant leader of the Heirs of the Sun. This statue carries what appears to be a swordspear, but looks different to the Dragonslayer Swordspear.

He is designed to look like an Asura, a mythological lord being that is at constant conflict with other Asura. They are idealised warriors and are symbolic of war.

The Serpent-Men in the area could indicate that Sen's Fortress belonged to the nameless king, suggesting his name may have been Sen

Several of the Nameless King's abilities mirror Ornstein, Gwyn, and Artorias from Dark Souls.
This boss uses physical, lightning, and fire abilities, making building an armor set against him difficult.
The Nameless King's arena is in the sky, and its floor is not counted as a normal floor by the game. Dropped souls will often appear outside the boss room on the nearest solid land, along with messages. Summon signs cannot be used on this floor.
Looking up on the bridge after the fight reveals several bloodstains from other players, suspended in the air.
In the First phase of the fight, any weapon arts that have a large vertical hitbox can inflict normal damage to the stormdrake, as long as they are under the torso, an example is the Dragonslayer's Greataxe weapon art, which calls down a bolt of lightning and has a very high hitbox, but has a high FP cost.



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